Monday 28 OCT 2019 : today.
I am starting a new series of The Artist Way (TAW) and I am wondering if you fancy coming along.
This time is going to be slightly different from the previous ones:
I will be going deeper, emotionally and spiritually than before; in order to do this and to give myself time to dive, explore, draw a map, and emerge I will be doing one week of the book over 2 weeks in real life, out of the book;
I will keep updates here on the blog, but this is not the real focus of TAW;
Some updates will be shared on the Facebook page, but again this is not the real focus of TAW;
There will be meetings! Once every two weeks, I will open my house to like-minded people who are doing TAW, who consider themselves artists or artists-in-the-making, or exploring creativity and want to find, create, support a tribe of practice, regardless of their field of creativity;
If you are (or ever wanted to be) a writer, a painter, a designer, a photographer, or a flower-arranger and you feel the desire to find a community to explore and support you during this journey of exploration, this could be an opportunity;
These meetings are not critiques, unless you want to, and are not therapy. Having said that, we will all abide by an Emotional Safety Code of Conduct, respecting each other as people and as artists;
If you want to participate, you need to do your morning pages and follow the book's instructions (here for the book, if you haven't got it already); if you fancy coming but are not doing the morning pages nor following the book's tasks and hints, these meetings are not for you: ours is a tribe of practice;
during the meetings we will explore the week as described in the book and the tasks for said and how easy / difficult do we find the process;
meetings will be free of charge, teas and coffees and biscuits will be provided, donations will be accepted;
we will meet up every 2 weeks; the first meeting will be WED 6 NOV at 7pm. I am not posting the address on here for obvious reasons. If you are serious in this series of TAW and interested, pls feel free to contact me.
This is it.
Knowing how important this process is, I really do hope you give it a try.
onwards and upwards!