I have been having 3 intense tutorials at College which left me overwhelmed and ecstatic at the same time. The reactions to my processes and work are positive, the Grade for the End Unit 02 is Excellent which means that I could really finish my UAL FAD with a Distinction; and the artists I am exploring at the moment are interesting, challenging in their own way, and full of opportunities for self-reflection.
What is this desire in me to codify, archive? Where is it coming from? Exploring Tacita Dean I can see some parallels but also it left me with some open questions.
I haven't blogged on here as much as I would because the load and intensity of College work don't allow me time to interesting extra-reflections.
So, this reflƏction now is time for me to realise how much my life has changed since Sept 2018, how much I crave for more art, more debate and more dialogue on art and creativity. I have been left wondering what I was doing before I started college, in my spare time? How was my life before? Could I ever go back to that life once this experience ends? Or, will I be lucky enough to be accepted to the University I have chosen?
I have decided that tomorrow I will go to that space I have been given at Victoria building and add something. Anything. Even if it's a piece of white paper with some blue tack. Just as a mark of me stating that I have been there. I claim that space as mine.
No fear.
ps: if in the meantime you are interested in my College blog, you can find the entries here. Enjoy!