Author Surname, Initial(s)., (Year). Title. [Edition, if any]. Place of publication: Publisher.
This Bibliography and Referencing list will leave out any novel and / or poetry that I have read just for my own pleasure (even if read it with my own novel and this project in mind). If and when I will discuss it in a future blog post, that’s is where it will be referenced. Just for the sake of mentioning a few: The French Lieutenant Woman, Don Quixote, and The Waste Land: also, any creative writing or self-reflective writing handbooks or similar I might have used now or in the past, and that list include, of course, The Artist Way I have used many times as part of my personal creative process. I would also like to add that, being a psychotherapist myself, any book and reference re. archetypes in existential therapy and writing as a therapeutic practice et similar will not be found in here. Any art book will also be discussed and referenced in another post.
This list is hence non-exhaustive nor complete, and it will not be amended.
As for any journey, this is just the first step.
Morris, J., (1998). Venice. London: Faber Limited
Morris, J., (2000). Wales. London: Penguin Group
Craft of Writing
Atwood, M., (2002). On Writers and Writing. London: Virago Press
Bradbury, R., (2015). Zen in the Art of Writing. London: HarperCollins Publishers
Bukowski, C., (2015). On Writing. Edinburgh: Canongate Books
Cameron, J., (2000). The Right to Write. London: Pan Books
Fassler, J., ed. (2017). Light the Dark. New York: Penguin Group
Gaiman, N., (2016). The View from the Cheap Seats. London: Headline Publishing Group
Gilbert, E., (2016). Big Magic. London: Bloomsbury Publishing
King, S., (2012). On Writing. London: Hodder & Stoughton
Lamotte, A., (1994). Bird by Bird. New York: Anchor Books
Maugham, S., (1951). A Writer’s Notebook. London: Readers Union Ltd
Milner, M., (2011). A Life of One’s Own. Hove: Routledge
Oates, J.C., (2017). Soul at the White Heat. New York: HarperCollins
Woolf, V., (2000). A Room of One’s Own. London: Penguin Group
On Language
Eco, U., (1986). Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Kiernan, P. (2007). Filthy Shakespeare. London: Quercus
King, G., ed., (2009). Collins Complete Writing Guide. Glasgow: HarperCollins
On Storytelling and Archetypes
Blackie, S., (2016). If Women Rose Rooted. Tewkesbury: September Publishing
Blackie, S., (2016). The Enchanted Life. Tewkesbury: September Publishing
Bolen, J.S., (1985). Goddesses in Every Woman. New York: Harper & Row
Bolen, J.S., (2002). Goddesses in Older Women. New York: HarperCollins
Campbell, J., (2008). The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Novato: New World Library
Denby, D., (1997). Great Books. New York: Touchstone
Estés, C. P., (1998). Women Who Run with the Wolves. London: Random House Group
Fry, S., (2018). Mythos. London: Penguin Group
Fry, S., (2019). Heroes. London: Penguin Group
Jung, C.G., (1990). The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. London: Routledge
Nichols, S., (1984). Jung and Tarot. An Archetypal Journey. San Francisco: Red Wheel
Vogler, C., (2007). The Writer’s Journey. Studio City: Michael Wiese Productions