I so enjoyed this session!
We spent two hours just playing, really playing, and still, I have learned so so so much!
Following you will be able to see some sketches we did while trying various techniques, including:
drawing with eyes closed
experimenting with different sizes
drawing in continuous line
experimenting using the non-dominant hand
experimenting holding the pen / pencil right at the very top, etc
I would have never thought that using simple techniques such as those ones, I would be able to then feel and somehow make some of those marks as “mine”.
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SELF•REFL : I so loved this exercise, because it really allowed me to play and learn so much without even realise it. My learning-mind was free and just sucked in as a sponge whatever she felt “mine”, easy; whatever came out flowing… as when I am writing but not writing (!). If anyone is interested, pls find following copy of my short story “The Elegance of the Equation”, that can be found in my book “The Men at my White Table” that can be found on Amazon here. I strongly believe that this story explains a lot about me, my writing, my drawing, my art. Enjoy!