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artist phographer writer artista fotografa scrittrice
in artem blackburniensis

matilde tomat
Nov 7, 20234 min read
reserv·ātiō /27 - 2/2 Victím looks like an old frail lady, mummified in a time that belongs to another era and another world. But now is the time.
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matilde tomat
Nov 6, 20235 min read
reserv·ātiō /26 - 1/2
Sleeping Beauty is not waking up because of the kiss. She wakes up because it’s time. The one-hundred-year curse is up: it is time.
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matilde tomat
Nov 3, 20233 min read
reserv·ātiō /25
It is only in those moments that we feel an impulse and are flung into doing something that on the surface makes no sense at all.
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matilde tomat
Nov 1, 20235 min read
reserv·ātiō /23
The voice of my Mother, the voice of the Priest from the pulpit. The words of God in the Bible: "I know what is best for you".
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matilde tomat
Oct 19, 20233 min read
reserv·ātiō /15
Where water turns into sand
where leaves meet air
and where roots embrace soil.
There, is where you will find me.
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matilde tomat
Oct 12, 20234 min read
reserv·ātiō /10
I am sick and tired of having people who provide explanations for their shortcomings and expect us to accept them as justification.
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matilde tomat
Oct 9, 20234 min read
reserv·ātiō /08
Reworking of my earliest versions of covers for my next two books? Take me down! Looking for shows and where to exhibit? Here is my neck!
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matilde tomat
Oct 9, 20232 min read
reserv·ātiō /07
Your dogmatic power is based on dominating and conquering, limiting and silencing. MY power is based on BEING.
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matilde tomat
Sep 28, 20234 min read
not who I thought I was
This is what I do and not who I am. It took me 40 years! It took me 40 years to really see this thing!
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