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but only the ruining of the rain has heard [FW.75ed.p99]

On her journey to exploring art, Matilde redefined her own Venn Diagram: there is a bit of Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Archaeology; a tad of Analysis, and a lot of the Aethereal. In her barefoot dance to meet the Father or her father, Matilde explores the act of making not only as creativity but an act of Creation and a place where to encounter the Creator, sitting and waiting, on a bench or at her desk. Inspired by James Joyce, TS Eliot and Virginia Woolf, she allows in this piece for her thoughts to wander while she cuts, assembles, glues, sketches, eats, drinks, and talks to her cats (Virginia and James, of course).


2022 sees the 100th anniversary of the publishing of James Joyce’s Ulysses, Matilde’s favourite book. As an act of honouring the author and his creativity, the artist humbly uses Ulysses' structure (a story of looking for a father and coming back home) as her own frame on which to create this piece. You will find the same number of episodes and titles, similar hints, planned mistakes, Pindaric flights and many references to music, movies, history, people, books, authors, food, religion, analysis, all assisting in presenting the artist’s searching for “the father”.

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